Enable Screen Reader Have you ever wondered if there’s more to Bigfoot than just a mysterious, ape-like creature lurking in the woods? The concept of…
What is CRYPTOZOOLOGY? Explore the study of mysterious creatures like Bigfoot, the Mogollon Monster, Dogman, and their fascinating & compelling legends.
Enable Screen Reader Have you ever wondered if there’s more to Bigfoot than just a mysterious, ape-like creature lurking in the woods? The concept of…
Cryptid evidence collecting and research is a unique and often misunderstood field that aims to gather evidence on those elusive creatures like Bigfoot and Dogmen that…
Is there a valid reason to kill any cryptid like a sasquatch or dogman for a voucher specimen for scientific proof? My goal here, is to…
The use and carrying of cryptid protection firearm is a sensitive topic among the crypto community. I will say for me, it’s a personal choice. I…
What is the Mogollon Monster? Does Arizona have its bigfoot or Sasquatch? It sure does, and it’s known as the “Mogollon Monster“. The Mogollon Monster is…
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